Austria improves its digital administration
The Once-Only Principle in Austria
The Once-Only principle was created on the basis of the EU's SDG Regulation in order to reduce the burden on companies, citizens and the administration. It states that necessary data from citizens and businesses will be requested ONLY ONCE in the future.
The data will be processed securely and in accordance with the legal requirements and, if necessary, exchanged between authorities using the Once-Only-Platform once the requirements have been clarified. All this will be done in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.
The legal basis for the Once-Only-Platform in Austria is the Unternehmensserviceportalgesetz (USPG).
Objectives of the Once-Only Principle
Sharing and re-using admin data on a legal basis
Improving the quality of government services and protecting privacy
Simplification for businesses and citizens by submitting data only ONCE
Helping to digitise the European Single Market by reducing administrative burdens
The components of the Once-Only-Platform
The Once-Only Principle is technically realised on a national level in Austria through the Once-Only-Platform. It consists of the core components Digital Austria Data Exchange (dadeX) and the Information Obligation Database (IVDB).
dadeX ist the central and efficient data hub for Austria's administration. The IVDB is the administration's central system for recording and collaboratively managing information obligations (IVP) and associated notifications. dadeX and IVDB are background administration tools.

Digital Austria Data Exchange (dadeX)
In the background, dadeX ensures the exchange of data with and between authorities to support application-free processes (e.g. for the application-free granting of family allowances).
This eliminates the need to make an appointment with the authorities, giving citizens and businesses more time for more important things.
dadeX is the central data hub of the administration, enabling independent data exchange between administrative units. It significantly reduces data reporting from citizens and businesses to the administration.
Data is always processed on a legal basis and in accordance with the highest security and data protection standards.
Informationsverpflichtungsdatenbank (IVDB)
● what information,
● on what legal basis,
● by which authority
is collected during administrative procedures.
The Informationsverpflichtungsdatenbank (IVDB) thus provides information on where the required data is already being used, so that in future information only needs to be collected ONCE.
As a transparent information and analysis tool, it supports the administration in optimizing digital administrative processes.
Use case "Childcare contribution subsidy" of the city of Graz
Public authorities often require proof of income in order to process applications.
This also applies to applications for childcare subsidies from the city of Graz, which provide financial relief for parents or guardians.
As part of the use case "childcare contribution subsidy", proof of income is automatically provided to the city of Graz for the first time via the Digital Austria Data Exchange (dadeX).

Application for childcare subsidy in the old and new process

Benefits for citizens and the city of Graz
The disadvantages of the old procedure:
- Parents have to provide extensive data and evidence
- Risk of tampering - no digital data validation
- Contributions cannot be pre-calculated online
- Face-to-face appointments
- Longer processing time (by post)
- High staff costs for the city of Graz (40 employees in May/June!)
The benefits of the new process:
- Faster processing of applications and time savings for citizens
- Shorter processing times (for the city of Graz)
- Use of valid data from official sources
- Elimination of official channels, also at federal level (e.g. tax office)
The result:
As part of the project with the city of Graz, income data was made available for the first time via dadeX.
-> Thanks to the project with the city of Graz, many contacts with authorities per year can be converted into valuable family time.
Potential of the use case for Austria

The people of Graz have to submit fewer applications each year.

For Austria as a whole, this amounts to million applications per year, that can be saved and turned into valuable family time.
Other areas of use
In addition to the "childcare subsidy" use case presented in detail, the Once-Only-Platform is already being used for many other administrative processes and digital services.
For example:
- As part of e-start-up, entrepreneurs are spared the need to enter data multiple times and the associated time-consuming administrative procedures. The Once-Only-Platform eliminates the need to submit the extract from the commercial register, which is automatically provided via the platform and further processed in the process.
- The Grants4Companies service on the Business Service Portal allows companies to identify grants that are suitable for them without having to provide detailed information.
- Business registration is simplified through the Once-Only-Platform.
- For the Familienbeihilfe neu, automated processes allow citizens to receive this financial support without having to submit an application.
Digital Austria Data Exchange (dadeX) wins gold at the 22nd eGovernment competition
The automated provision of proof of income via dadeX won the "Best digitalisation project" category at the 22nd eGovernment competition in Berlin. Read more about winning the eGovernment Award
Digital Austria Data Exchange (dadeX) wins eAward 2023
The Federal Ministry of Finance, the City of Graz and the Austrian Federal Computing Centre (BRZ) were also delighted to receive the award in the "Services & Processes" category at the Report Verlag eAward ceremony on 17 October 2023. More information on the eAward for childcare contribution funding