Business Service Portal project

Businesses can no longer function without digitalisation. A business location without a strong digital infrastructure cannot develop successfully.

The main focus when developing new services for businesses is to create no-stop or one-stop shops, which is intended to reduce to a minimum the number of times businesses have to contact the authorities.

The digital access point for businesses

Over 300,000 businesses have already registered on the Business Service Portal (USP) and are taking advantage of the fact that, with a single sign-on, they can fulfil their reporting and information responsibilities round the clock and efficiently.


The digital service for businesses – administrative tasks performed simply, online. is a central Internet portal for businesses and offers direct access to numerous e-government applications and business-relevant information. The number of enquiries from businesses to the authorities that are submitted electronically via the USP service platform is increasing steadily thanks to its modern, end-to-end digital processes.

Chatbot Mona

Mona the chatbot should be able to deal with business-related questions on certain topics.

Implementing the once-only principle

Reducing bureaucracy in official channels through digitalisation is an important objective for the federal government. At the heart of this is the creation of digital infrastructure to implement the once-only principle. Documents and information only need to be presented to the authorities when you first contact them, and for all subsequent transactions the administrative agencies should use the existing data.

The Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) is providing the digital infrastructure for a once-only platform, consisting of dadeX (Digital Austria Data Exchange/Registers and Systems Network) and a database of Austrian mandatory information requirements, together with a framework for implementing better online services.

The platform can then be used as the basic central e-government infrastructure by all departments, federal provinces and municipalities. This should hugely simplify and reduce the amount of data exchanged between businesses and the administrative agencies: business-related data should now only need to be reported once, subject to compliance with legal and data protection requirements.


The first applications have already been implemented. In subsequent stages, further infrastructure will follow so that private individuals can also deal with other situations in their lives, and for cross-border applications, in line with the European Union's Single Digital Gateway Regulation.

Setting up a company online

It has been possible to set up an individual company online since 2017. Since 1 January 2018, it has also been possible to set up a single-person limited liability company, including registering in the Companies Register, by using the Business Service Portal. All the official channels that you need to access are available online.

Registering the business, registering it with the tax office and with the Austrian Social Security Authority for Business (SVA) and submitting a declaration in accordance with the New Business Support Act can all be done at and the documentation signed electronically using ID Austria. For single-person limited liability companies, it is also possible to enter your business in the Companies Register. All the submissions are forwarded electronically to the relevant official channel for processing.

The digital infrastructure for implementing the once-only principle is being used for the first time in connection with setting up individual companies and single-person limited liability companies. It reduces the administrative burden and optimises processes.

Modern end-to-end digital process
Would-be company founders first register on the Business Service Portal using ID Austria and set up a founder's business account.

In the next step, they choose the legal status of their new company.

To proceed, they are directed to a special area of the website for company founders where all the forms that are required for setting up a company can be found, along with detailed information about the procedure.

The forms can be edited online directly in the founder's business account and sent to the relevant authorities.

In the case of a single-person limited liability company, it is no longer necessary to send the extract from the Companies Register when registering with the tax office, because the data is provided in the background, i.e. within the public administration system. This saves both time and money.

When all the forms have been submitted, the relevant authorities process the applications they have been sent. Once the company has been successfully set up, an automatic notification appears in the founder's business account.


Best practice: Grants4Companies

Through the Grants4Companies process, suitable grants for businesses are displayed on the Business Service Portal.

With the permission of the business, the available register data is collated using the Registers and Systems Network (dadeX) and used in combination with rules of logic to identify appropriate grants automatically.

The standardised interface of the Registers and Systems Network makes it easy to use data from different registers.

Subsidised child care in Graz

In many areas of public administration, proof of income is required in order to process applications. It is therefore important that structured data about incomes should be centrally available. This is true of the support for child care in Graz, which relieves the financial burden on parents and guardians who need it. The net income of the family is used as the basis for calculating the amount of subsidy provided.

In the "Subsidised child care" project, for the first time proof of income from the Transparency Database was automatically made available to the city of Graz, using the Digital Austria Data Exchange (dadeX), also known in legal parlance as the Registers and Systems Network. Around 17,000 applications are automatically processed there every year.


Power of Attorney Service

Powers of representation that have been entered in the Supplementary Register for Other Data Subjects, Companies Register or Central Register of Associations are automatically included in the Power of Attorney Service.

If you would like to grant a specific power of attorney (e.g. for customs and import procedures or for handling mail) on behalf of your company to another company or individual, you can do this on the Business Service Portal (USP).

The authorised representation management system means that the USP administrator, or users appointed by them, have the option of managing about 200 pre-prepared powers of attorney. .

The only precondition is that the company is registered on the Business Service Portal.

The Power of Attorney Service website gives you an overview of the persons whom you have authorised to represent you, using their electronic identity (ID Austria).

Electronic document delivery to My Mailbox

The electronic mailbox My Mailbox is your central and secure mailbox for receiving official documents.

Simply register once to receive documents from official bodies delivered securely to your free electronic mailbox. Take advantage of the opportunity to receive your official documents digitally. Businesses can use My Mailbox on the Business Service Portal (

Every time there is a new message for you in My Mailbox, you will be promptly informed by email. Once you have set up My Mailbox, you can collect messages, print them out, forward them by email etc.

Please always make sure that the email addresses in My Mailbox are up-to-date and valid. They can be changed, deleted or added at any time using Settings on the menu.

One address must always be activated for receiving notifications.

Call for tenders search

The "Call for tenders search" service enables businesses to search for and view in one place all calls for tenders that have been published under the Austrian Federal Procurement Act, with no need for any further registration. The service also offers many other features such as full-text search and various filtering and sorting options. More information about the "Call for tenders search" service is available on the USP.

These regulations apply to all business owners from EU member states operating in Austria.

Location development

Up-to-date information about location development and accelerating the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure for location-related projects etc. can be found on the USP.

The Location Development Act aims to speed up procedures for assessing the environmental impact of location-related projects that are particularly in the public interest of the Republic of Austria.